Things that are cute when done by a baby, but off-putting when done by an adult

(This list is illustrative but not exhaustive):

Having arm rolls

Lying naked on a towel on your mom and dad’s bed after a bath

Lifting feet above head

Tiny penis

Sitting in your own feces and smiling about it*
*Important Distinction: does not include sitting in others' feces. That's straight grimey at any age).

Abnormally large head-circumference (big-ass head)



Androgynous = cute

Funny articles found whilst researching:

Do Fat Babies Make Fat Adults?
(I'm currently penning the sister article, Do Fat Adults Make Fat Babies? It's v. chicken/egg).
Baby Head Circumference


Jackie said…
Can I add, "putting random things in your mouth, such as food that's been dropped on the floor."
Jackie said…
scratch that... when kiki tries to eat anything off the floor i'm horrified. but i understand that she doesn't know any better.

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