Not a Spice Girl

Dear Old Spice,

Thank GOD you finally made a men’s body wash that doubles as a shampoo. God knows, they don’t have it easy when it comes to grooming. Changing a tie to make your outfit appear different from yesterday's is balls-hard. So is not wearing pantyhose or high heels, not tweezing, shaving, plucking, and/or waxing bits of you that never see the light of day. Not ever having to give birth or bleed monthly? Well, that’s just a huge cross to bear. And it is pretty much universally acknowledged that hunting is way more difficult than gathering.

I wonder that this latest concoction cannot double (nay, triple) as a toothpaste? It is tough to make ends meet when you make more money than women for the very same work, so the more hygienic products we can role into one, the better. Also, I am v. glad to see that this new miracle product does not in the least smack of Lazy or Wholly Unnecessary.


Two X Chromosomes



kat said…
you should submit this to McSweeney's Internet Tendencies' "open letters to people or entities that are unlikely to respond."

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