Economy Watch (Or, an Exercise in Parentheses)

In light of recent news that our super great Government is now looking to give the super great US auto-industry $25 billion of the $700 billion bailout (imagine: 700 billion frosties), I can’t help but wonder: WTF (What the f*ck)? I thought the money (my money, your money) was meant to stabilize the US financial system, not our crappy auto industry. I dig that a lot of people are employed making (bad) US vehicles and they’d “lose their jobs” (become unemployed), but come on. This is a clear case of “been there, done that” (in Latin: shouldus knowest betterest by nowest) which resulted in little to no innovation on the bailoutees’ part (read: shitty cars or big cars or ugly cars or the movie Transformers, basically a really long, really bad GM commercial that even Optimus Prime couldn’t save).

I owned a GM vehicle in college, and frankly, I’m thinking Nancy Pelosi should be lobbying the Bush administration to give me $25 billion as pay-back for my car breaking down all the goddamned time. Hell, I’ll settle for $25. That’d cover groceries for a week if I eat a lot of pasta (Times are tough, Nanc). The only thing reliable about that vehicle was that it’d need a big repair (I’m talking 1,000 frosties or so) during exams. (It’s true. Ask my old roommates).

I’m currently taking a macroenomics class, so I am now an expert on the holy trinity of economics—production, labor, and survival of the fittest (definitely this last one). To me, this is a clear-cut case of the slippery slope proving slippery (like, lubricated slippery).

I can only ask myself: who will we bail out next? Possibilities:

Newspapers. They have been doing badly for awhile, and if we don’t, they might resort to selling special election editions for $9.95 to stay afloat instead of writing better articles.

The giant cricket thing I just killed in the bathroom. It’s dead, so we may as well throw money at it.

John Maynard Keynes. See above. Also, this could make him appreciate just how right he was, albeit posthumously.

The Laser Tag Industry. If this goes under, what will really weird 13-year-old boys do with their (parents’) dispensable income? Save?

Shia LeBeouf. With a name like that, he’s just asking to be bailed out of something.

Metro. Because partial government ownership of this travesty is really the only way I can think to make it worse than it already is.

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. They haven’t had any baby pictures to sell in like a month.

Some bloke. Anyone. Doesn’t matter who. It’d just be best if he was not innovative, not run well, and had a history of being bailed out with nothing (really) to show for it.

Nancy Pelosi. Because THEN, she’d be the first woman Speaker of the House to be bailed out by the US Government while being the first woman Speaker of the House. How could posterity have anything but Good Things to say if such an event transpired?

My mother. I can’t think of a more deserving citizen to receive all of our money than my mother. She’d probably buy every tax-paying citizen something to thank them (though it would be the wrong size), and then make us all say the rosary.

W. Let’s face it, after his latest job performance, who will want to hire him? We clearly need to give this man some money to make his post-January 20 ends meet.


The Steiny said…
Yeah, bailing out crappy american automobile companys would be like bailing out banks with shady lending practices, oh wait.....
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
I agree. I still own my crappy GM vehicle from college. It is being held together with rope and tape - literally. :-) They should give me a tax credit for still owning one!I've enrolled in AAA just in case I break down on my 1.5 mile ride to the train station.

The newspapers and other periodicals think they're slick by having "online subscriptions" for those too lazy to go outside or to walk to their door for home delivery. If they get bailed out, I'm starting my own paper entitled "Mastonian." :-)

They should also give us money for killing crickets. Some of those evil creatures made their way into our basement and the other night some made it to my room! I proceed to purchase and place sticky mouse traps around my room to catch them. Yes, I said it, mouse traps to catch crickets.

Jennifer 1
Crickets 0

My comment is slowing growing to blogging length so I will stop. :-)

previous comment deleted b/c of a typo :-) it is reposted here
i v said…
Well done, Mar. If anything, it could use more mentions of "self-lubricate, dive, and ginormous package" pls.
Jackie G. said…
Did you know the DC Metro system is actually already in trouble financially? They sold a billion dollars in trains a very gimmicky scheme where they sell the trains then lease them from the place they sell them to. The buyer gets a tax write off, the Metro system gets a fee and made 100 million $. Word.

NPR/APM makes y'uns smart.
Anonymous said…
NYC has a huge fare hike in order: monthly cards are going from $81 to $104 and each ride is now $2.50 one way, as opposed to $2. They're firing thousands of workers and slashing some train lines. So we get less for more. Awesome.

I think Shia will definitely need a bailout at some point. I concur. I owned a Plymouth Sundance when I was 16. I never went back to American cars after that. Never.

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