Pet Peeves, redux

In the true spirit of my new favorite book, A$$hole: How I Got Rich and Happy by Not Giving a Damn About Anyone and How You Can Too, I’ve expanded my list of pet peeves. The following are not limited to an everyday Metro riding experience, but are limited to an approximately 30 minute lunch break.

Men in running shorts.

If I wanted to see a random stranger’s junk, I’d rent a porn.

Old men in running shorts.

I don’t know if there is such a thing as geriatric porn, but I hope this is as close as I’ll ever get.

Men staring at me.

Seriously. Go jerk off in the bathroom and be done with it.

Really fat people eating.

Just want to knock it from their hand and scream, “Don’t you know this is the reason why you are the way you are?!!?”

Highly Inappropriate elevator conservations.

When you walk into the elevator and you hear, "hips just..thrusting," its usally a bad sign. It's also a bad sign if your dog is humping your cat. He ain’t bored. When I’m bored, I don’t hump another species. Your dog is f*cked up, plain and simple.

Pricelessly timed g-chat conversations concerning your cat’s new habit of humping your neighbor's dog.

I may know a 9th-foor neighbor with similar issues to put you in touch with.

People who don’t finish their fries.

When I have nature’s most glorious food in front of me, I also don’t want to finish it, because I’m deranged, and late for my poker game with the Devil and the tooth fairy.

People who don’t finish their Chick-Fil-A fries.

You only get 6 days a week to sample these holier-than-thou-fries. So you may as well man up and git ‘er done.

Everyone I work with.

Pretty much sums it up.


Jackie said…
Remember that trucker? Taking pictures of you without your permission should also be a peeve.
Jim said…
No, I heard the random trucker story, and it clearly was a source of amusement for the subject of the photo. I can just picture said subject mugging for the camera in her brand-new cowgirl hat...

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