Grossly inappropriate behavior witnessed in one day at an entirely fictional place of employment, part deux

Same rules apply—namely, it should be made clear that this place of employment is entirely a work of fiction, and any resemblance to real persons or places of employment, living or dead or baselessly arrogant and condescending, is purely coincidental.

Knocking on the faux-wood of a colleague’s cubicle like it's a door.

Seriously, there isn't a door, or walls, or any privacy whatsoever. You don’t need to rub it in.

Proceeding to talk to the colleague in the cubicle after knocking on the faux-wood of the colleague’s cubicle while the colleague is clearly on the phone.

No excuses. None. Get a f*cking clue.

Asking if “this is a one-time mistake” after following directions.

When you help someone do their own job, you should show gratitude, not be a f*cker.

Calling a colleague and asking them to come into your office and be witty.

This is a good way to ensure that the next time the allegedly witty colleague comes into your office, they'll bring a flaming bag of dog sh*t and leave it on your desk. Then close your door and knock on it for good measure.


Jim said…
I really hate the knocking on the nonexistent door thing. In my company's case, it's probably some sort of vestigial instinct left over from the days when everyone actually had an office, with a real door.

But for me, the absolute worst is this one woman in my company who frequently comes over to my friend Michael's office, across the hall from me (he's her boss). He HAS a damn door, but she doesn't knock on it. Instead, she says "knock knock?" Every goddamned time. She's perfectly nice, but I swear one of these days I'm going to knock on Michael's door with her head.

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