A walk on the bright side

Being a wholly uncharacteristic list of Favorite Things.

A sense of humor

Otherwise, riding a Metro bus that smells like a rotting pumpkin would just make you wish you were dead.

My boyfriend

Whose well-written
intelligent blog I “Mary-ify” with ridiculous comments about Tremors worms going under in the housing bubble.

June Carter Cash

What a badass. Married to Johnny AND played the autoharp? I love it. I just feel better when I listen to her (especially if she's drowning others out).

Reese’s peanut butter cups

I don’t know who you are, Mr. Reese’s peanut butter cup inventor, but God Bless You.

Venus razor

It only took about 10 years and a discontinued Gillette Sensor Excel for me to jump on this bandwagon. That third blade, so oft mocked by anonymous cheapskate skeptics as unnecessary, is the kicker.

Saturday Night Live Not on Saturday Night

Otherwise, I might not keep up with the news at all.

Election day is nigh upon us

To the victor will go the spoils. Which means those annoying Democratic National Committee people will get real jobs in a proper building and get off 18th Street where they bother me all the time.


The key to warm legs and being mistaken for a high school student.


So when your key won’t open the door, and their key also won’t open the door, you have someone to bitch with.

The Express, The Examiner, Rock Creek Press

Never am I so thankful for free bad journalism on every sodding corner as on days when it just starts raining and weather.com didn’t predict it.


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