Getting Over the Hump

1. Gloria Steinem on my Starbucks mug

"Women’s bodies are valued as ornaments. Men’s bodies are valued as instruments"? Whatever, Glo. You could just cut to the chase and say this business about the glass ceiling cracking is BsoddingS. The Way I See it, someone should go take a look at those NFL cheerleaders and the decidedly hookerish clothing we dress little girls in and get back to me on how far we’ve come.

2. I treated myself to a latte since I have to sit through 3 hours of economics this evening and it’s not even good.

No further explanation necessary.

3. Obama overload

OK. So, he’s young (compared to all the zombies in national politics anyway) and he’s a Democrat and he’s black and his wife is an Amazon. He's a change alright, but until I see him walk on water and turn five loaves and two fish into a feast, I’ll continue to think Jesus is the better, more buoyant man.

4. Optimism

The world is full of wretched people. Why can’t we all believe this already?

5. The Washington Post

What a worthless piece of crap this paper is. Day in and day out the headlines take on some variation on one of the following:

McCain doesn't have a chance in hell (no kidding)
How will Tina Fey Make Fun of Sarah Palin next?
The Dow had a Terrible, Horrible, No Good Very Bad Day
McCain is pretty much old as dirt
Cheney to Undergo 50th Quadruple Bypass Procedure

6. People who come to ask me a question and blatantly read my computer screen.

Yes, I’m blogging/writing my boyfriend an email/checking out What’s it to ya? We are nationalizing banks, so at the v. least we can expect a 35-hour work week like our Gallic friends in the near future. I’m just ahead of le curve.

7. English as My Only Language

I thought my name, Mary McJewishJew, would give it away. Oi.

8. Wallstreet, Main Street, Nonprofit Street?

In case you missed it, all you need to do is add street to something, anything, and you’re clever or overused or stupid or a Washington Post headline.

9. I can’t have a goddamned pet.

I’m stuck looking at a puppy website like a middle aged spinster lunatic and suggesting bird names to my coworker who runs a half-way house for birds (who knew parakeets could have neural disorders?)

And 10.

Peanut Butter is God’s gift to mankind.

Just thought I’d end on a positive note for once.


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