the one time a wall-less cubicle is good for something

A: just have to tell you that ______ farted in my cubicle and I'm about to gag
B: that's heinous
A: it's awful - I want to take a shower
B: you should go fart in his office and close the door. That ups the ante
A: I know - what do they call that, a dutch oven?
B: I've never heard of the dutch oven being applied in an office setting, but desperate times call for desperate measures
A: I couldn't even open my mouth at one point. I don't know how anyone else didn't smell it
B: that is unspeakably heinous
A: we should put this on the shout box on the [company] intranet
or the coffee break forum
B: make sure you use 10000 exclamation points: "______, thanks for farting in my cubicle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

This conversation is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to persons, places, heinous actions, lame office communication mediums, or g-chat conversations is not intentional and purely coincidental.


Jackie said…
I give this a 10.0

5.0 points for style on using the word "heinous"
3.0 points for form for suggested participation in the company intranet
2.0 points for creativity for retributive action

Also, did you ever see the Sara Silverman Program? There's a funny reference to the "bomb" left in a police cruiser.

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