Short Lists: First in a Series

Why I don't have kids

1-I have never walked on a glacier
2-I enjoy taking long naps myself
3-I have never been to Barcelona
4-I have never been to Florence
5-I still don't technically know what a birth canal is. Is this just another term for something already there? #sexedfail #catholicupbringing
6-My cat has already been diagnosed with anxiety issues. I mean, just look at her. Clearly this cat leads a tough life. I shudder to think what she'd do if there was actually something stressful in the house.

7-I have never been to Hawaii.
8-20 minutes of "Call the Midwife" and I nearly retched. See #5.
9-I teach teenagers. I know what happens 15+ years later. It ain't pretty and it def. doesn't smell good.
and 10-Because "everyone else is doing it"; "you're 30"; and "you're married" aren't good enough reasons for sh*t of this magnitude.


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