Week 3, belated

Goal setting: to not die this year. Is this specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-specific enough for you?

Explanation: "Do not confuse circumnavigate with circumcise. They are two v. different things. Magellean did not circumsize the globe. That would have taken a much larger crew."

Student work in the form of help wanted ad for explorers: "Must have knowledge of navigation using astrolabe and sextant. Must be a team player, have a mustache, and an extra pair of pants. Booty will be split among the crew." Whatevs. At least they put in the astrolabe and sextant.

Observation: It would seem adults don't read directions because children don't read directions. I am making it my mission to have these GD kids read GD directions.

Also: I'm getting married in less than two weeks. Holy. Effing. God. I'm insane.


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