Week 2

Well I'm alive. But barely. Here's a run-down of my most recent week:
  • 3 12-hour days
  • "But Ms. Steinberg I can't think when my bladder is full!"
  • winging the Neolithic Revolution, despite 3 12 hour days
  • received 1 ad for hair braiding from one of my student's aunts, then told I would look good with dreds
  • an apple and a handful of fritos = a lunch not much better than my students
  • 900000000000 copies. And then some.
  • student-created playlist for "Major Players in the Reformation" includes 50's "P.I.M.P" (aka my former ringtone) for Henry VIII, Eminem's "I'm not afraid" for Martin Luther and John Calvin (SOOO appropriate), Kanye's "Power" for Pope Leo X and Charles V, and "Break Your Heart" by Taio Cruz for Elizabeth ("because she never married"). How awesome is this???
  • and I still have not heard of the "Southern Ocean." Apparently elementary school teachers have invented a new ocean and not told the rest of the world.


Jackie G. said…
Loved the playlist! Really enjoying keeping up with your new adventure.

PS I love Fritos.
Unknown said…
I agree that you might look good with dreads. I think we should try this look next summer; I'll do it too. :)
When we were in Australia this summer they kept talking about the Southern Ocean (between Australia and Antarctica I think?) and I kept saying, "We DID NOT LEARN THIS!!" I'm with you.

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