Take away point: women can’t drive?

This post first requires you view this delicious morsel: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpVw06fpRyM

Things that would have made this video better:

1-Woman enters train, sees an unattended bag, starts to ask a fellow rider, "Is that your..." and is cut off by a giant explosion.

2-Woman gets in fight with fellow rider over who has smaller carbon footprint.

3-Video captures the olfactory sensation of people, despair/ennui, sweat, and old carpet.

4-Fellow rider is seen picking their nose. And eating it. Twice.*
*Must be the same nostril.

5-Woman drives her car into the metro while wildly screaming “YOU stand clear of the doors, asshole. MWAHAHAHAHA!”

6-Woman enters the train only to find every seat is taken by some a-hole in the aisle seat and their effing bag next to them.

7-Woman is carrying her lunch in a Victoria's Secret bag.

8-Video features a giant, fat, sweating Jabba the Hut-esque mass sitting next to the woman, complete with handkerchief to wipe away the sweat caused from taking up one and a half seats.

9-Woman's carbon footprint has 6 toes.

And lastly, but certainly not least:

Idea for this video never materializes.


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