
Showing posts from July, 2012

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition

Summer is a glorious time to refresh, relax, and renew. Its also a good time to meet up with friends I haven't seen in awhile, which inevitably turns into a prolonged Q&A session (Q: "Did you have a kid since I saw you last?" A: "No. Did you?"). Thus, my most recent pie is an homage to the inquisitive spirit that as of late characterizes my summer.

Midsummer Update

Being a wholly honest and specific update on how I spend my time in summer.


Every summer, when I have way too much time on my hands, I find myself vowing to do two things: 1) Train for a half marathon. 2) Lose weight. The first fails even before I begin because I always realize that:           A) I hate running.           B) Summer in the greater Washington metropolitan area is akin to being trapped in the armpit of a sweaty giant. It's disgusting, pure and simple. It's like living in a swamp ( is swamp) and it's the worst possible time and place to be running when nothing is chasing you. The later always fails because I realize that I am not willing to either exercise more or eat less. I walk a lot. I like to walk. I like to be outside. I do not like gyms. I can create the best excuses in the world to weasel out of a gym, such as:                     i) "Did you know that the treadmill was invented during Victorian times to keep prisoners in solitary confinement from going insane?"                    ii) "

A wholly realistic breakdown of how I spend my time during heat advisories


My summer, so far

Doesn't get much better than this.