
Showing posts from November, 2008

Economy Watch (Or, an Exercise in Parentheses)

In light of recent news that our super great Government is now looking to give the super great US auto-industry $25 billion of the $700 billion bailout (imagine: 700 billion frosties ), I can’t help but wonder: WTF (What the f*ck)? I thought the money (my money, your money) was meant to stabilize the US financial system, not our crappy auto industry. I dig that a lot of people are employed making (bad) US vehicles and they’d “lose their jobs” (become unemployed), but come on. This is a clear case of “been there, done that” (in Latin: shouldus knowest betterest by nowest ) which resulted in little to no innovation on the bailoutees ’ part (read: shitty cars or big cars or ugly cars or the movie Transformers, basically a really long, really bad GM commercial that even Optimus Prime couldn ’t save). I owned a GM vehicle in college, and frankly, I’m thinking Nancy Pelosi should be lobbying the Bush administration to give me $25 billion as pay-back for my car breaking down all the god


Mary: 's income dropped considerably today after paying nigh on $3 for Chap Stick . Economy: has no lips. Point: Economy, for lacking-therefore-not-having-to-deal-with body parts that do not self-lubricate. Economy: suffers from 6.5% unemployment. Mary: suffers from 100% employment. Point: Economy, for not having to commute. Economy: markets took a dive despite China’s ginormous stimulus package. Mary: has so far said self-lubricate, dive, and ginormous package. Point: Mary, for obvious reasons. Economy: forced Circuit City to declare bankruptcy. Mary: will miss the tag line "where service is state of the art." Point: Mary, for taking advantage of inevitable “ALL MUST GO SALE.” Mary: Is supposed to be doing a take home exam, not this shenanigans. Economy: Invented shenanigans. What what. Point: Economy. It's not over...

Diversifying My Pie
