
Showing posts from June, 2008

Take away point: women can’t drive?

This post first requires you view this delicious morsel: Things that would have made this video better: 1-Woman enters train, sees an unattended bag, starts to ask a fellow rider, "Is that your..." and is cut off by a giant explosion. 2-Woman gets in fight with fellow rider over who has smaller carbon footprint. 3-Video captures the olfactory sensation of people, despair/ennui, sweat, and old carpet. 4-Fellow rider is seen picking their nose. And eating it. Twice.* *Must be the same nostril. 5-Woman drives her car into the metro while wildly screaming “YOU stand clear of the doors, asshole. MWAHAHAHAHA!” 6-Woman enters the train only to find every seat is taken by some a-hole in the aisle seat and their effing bag next to them. 7-Woman is carrying her lunch in a Victoria's Secret bag. 8-Video features a giant, fat, sweating Jabba the Hut-esque mass sitting next to the woman, complete with handkerchief to wipe away the sweat cause


* a series of Haiku dedicated to my commute Roach on the Red Line Bet it works for a law firm At Farragut North Self-propelled staircase So no one has to move Stand on the right, jerks. Crazy man in rain Pokes me with umbrella Says that mine is lame No shit crazy man I am soaked to the skin Flip flops are squeaking. Vespas on sidewalk When in Rome should be taken At face value here.

A moment of silence for Tim Russert

(I used my moment to Google Tim Russert since I had no idea who the flip he was. This is called being Non Political / Uninformed). ((this post is dedicated to Prof. Himmelstein in the hopes that I have momentarily distracted her from work with this stellar post)).