
Showing posts from December, 2017

Regrets, I've had a few.

I can’t say that I typically become reflective before a birthday, but I am this year. Maybe it is because I’m entering a new age demographic (the “you have no good eggs left” bracket). Maybe it’s because I have the time to be reflective--I’ve also been thinking about my future, and I’ve decided that when I’m 65 I will teach chair yoga to other old people on the beach in Florida. Or maybe it’s just that Frank Sinatra and I share a birthday, so I’m always humming Frank Sinatra at this time of year. You'd smile too if you shared a birthday with MBP. As any Frank fan will tell you, when you hum Frank, you hum “My Way.” And if you’re reflective and Frank croons: “Regrets, I’ve had a few. But then again, too few to mention,” you turn this into a mental exercise: what are my regrets on the cusp of 35? I thought of things that were kind-of regrets, but then I dismissed them. Should I regret that I trashed my HS boyfriend’s locker after he dumped me? No. It’s a funny story now