
Showing posts from 2015

Math in Real Life: Easter Edition


When Adults Ruin Teaching: Grades

Does this teacher only give out As or is the student expecting an A for sucking-up? It's like the chicken and the egg. "When Adults Ruin Teaching" is the working title of my forth-coming memoir (please note that the "r" in memoir is silent). It will be organized in such a way that the busy reader can, like students today, not actually have to read anything at all, yet still feel they are experts on the subject at hand. Here is a brief excerpt to whet your appetite: Grading: Or, the Importance of Giving Only As In teacher college, you probably sat around with other privileged (clueless) white people and talked about a grading philosophy for young learners. This is all nonsense, just like the education class which prompted the discussion. All you need to know is the following: everyone gets an A. It's quite simple. Regardless of the amount of thought/effort/time that went into the work, or the quality of the product, or how the product demonstrates

Short Lists: Fifth in a Series

Things I'm good at: 1-letting dishes pile up in the sink. 2-pessimism. seriously. gold medalist. 3-killing plants. 4-eating bread.