
Showing posts from June, 2011

Biting the Hand that Feeds You

There are many things that don’t make sense in this world. Of the top of my head, I can think of just a few: why I’m listening to Kanye West as I type this and why 15 year old boys like to draw penises (in sharpie) in each other’s $100 year books. (In education this is called a hook. I “hooked” you in by referencing pop culture and genitalia. Point-me). Here’s what else doesn’t make sense: public education. The problem is, when you can’t fire bad teachers, they’ll be a fair amount of bad teachers. And when we expect kids to do nothing, they’ll do just that. And at that point, you must wonder what separates you, a public-ivy trained, Masters degree holding professional, from a v. well paid babysitter. In high school history class, we “teach” the last 190,000+ years of human existence. We cram it down the throats of adolescents beginning at 7:20 AM, when, research shows, their little brains are most def. NOT at the ready. In this quest, some try (emphasis on the try) t