
Showing posts from March, 2010

Best of 8th grade

Oh my god Ms. Steinberg I need to go to the bathroom to wash Trent’s blood off of me. You better not be texting unless you are texting someone the 5 steps in the law-making process. Best off-color example: Student: What does probable cause mean? Me: It’s like, if you accused Richard of killing Diego, you better have some reason to think he actually did it. Student: You mean, like proof? Me: Yea, that’s a much better way to say what I said in one word. Me: Who is the governor of Virginia? Student: Bill O’Reilly! Me: Close. Student: How old are you? Me: How old do you think I am? Student: 21. Me: I am 45 years old. Student: No way. Me: Way. Why do you want to be a teacher? Teachers don’t make any money. You should be an IT tech person. My binder smells like a hot dog. (Five minutes later, Bailey pulls a hot dog out of his binder and throws it away). Me: What does you bracelet say? Student: Boobies. Me: Nice. We rocked so hard that we went back all the