
Showing posts from October, 2009

Why am I stressing?


Mondays with Mommy

The following is a near verbatim excerpt of a phone call that just took place: Mom: I love the google. Guess what I did? Mary: What? Mom: I am trying to find a Christmas present for Jim and I googled "short men’s clothes." Mary: Wait. What? Mom, Jim isn’t short. Mom: Well, I wanted something that would fit him nice. Mary: He’s not short. Mom: Not that he doesn’t look nice in his clothes. He always looks nice. Mary: Mom, Jim is thin, he’s not short. Mom: Everything was really expensive! Mary: You were probably looking at specially made clothes for hobbit-sized people. (For the record, last Christmas my mom bought Jim a normal-man sweater) Mom: Well, Mary , women’s clothes come in petite sizes. Mary: Yes, Mom , but men’s clothing does not. It’s just one size for all men, unless you’re grossly huge and obese. Mom: Well, I know when I buy clothes they’re too long on me and I don’t like it. I also googled the recipe for Devil Dogs. Epilogue: Though instructed not to share this co