
Showing posts from February, 2009


Five things in my coat pocket 1. smart trip card (regular, not Obama face) 2. chapstick 3. cell phone 4. a lone glove (wha?) 5. Zone perfect bar (i.e., school night dinner) Four things I wish I had 1. Arms like Madonna mid 90s 2. A goddamned puppy 3. Clearly defined sense of purpose 4. Roll of McVitie’s chocolate digestives, plain (dark in American) Three things I am wondering 1. Will I be a good teacher? 2. Will I snap one day on the bus and punch someone in the face? 3. Will I get a piece of this $787 billion economic stimulus that my progeny will pay for? It could really help finance my one-eyed lasik. Two things I am seriously considering 1. Leaving my job to return to an old job 2. Getting lasik in one eye so if something goes wrong I’ll still have one good eye One thing I need 1. A reason for the season. Christmas is over, so Jesus is out.