
Showing posts from December, 2023

These are my (day of birth) Reflections

(Please read this title in the style of Usher singing, “ Confessions, Part II ” circa 2004). Time is a funny thing. It’s weird in the short term in that it can go so quickly yet drag on forever.  “What time is it? Have I combed my hair?”  “What time is it? Can I justify going to bed this early?”  (Answers: No, never, and Yes, always). Time is also funny in the long-term. Like, years have gone by and it doesn’t feel that way, but then you can’t sleep one night and scroll through all your profile pictures and realize, "Holy shit, it’s been like 20 years!" Or, "Holy shit, once upon a time, I went to a lot of really cool places...wearing the exact same outfit!"  And then, time gets messier, because people have been living and whining and trying for hundreds and THOUSANDS of years, so my forty years of mucking along is not even a drop in the humankind bucket. If geological time were “Stairway to Heaven”, all of human history would be contained in the last NOTE of the so