
Showing posts from June, 2016

On Brexit

I dedicate this post to my cat, Angus, a deep lover of the EU despite living in a Little Englander household. I also dedicate this post to my husband, who is carefully monitoring scotch prices now that the pound is so much weaker against the dollar. Lastly, I dedicate this post to a dear old friend (I’ll call him “Joe” to respect his privacy) who thinks I actually know what I’m talking about. What follows is a mostly fact-checked account of Britain’s involvement in the European Union.  The author as a useless college student, studying abroad, pointing at famous things, and racking up lots of student debt. The first man to teach me about the European Union was an unapologetically conservative Oxford don named Leslie Mitchell.   Leslie taught history at University College, Oxford. On my first day of class with him, he told me that the only way to travel is in first class: “If there is one piece of advice I would give a young person it would be never to go anywhere until y