
Showing posts from October, 2010

Weeks 4 and 5

The difference between the adult world and the world of a freshman is pretty scant. Adults are mostly stupid and lazy, whereas kids have the excuse of being a kid. Farting is still hilarious and pushing in a chair or bringing the right binder to class is a momentous achievement. When I was working in the land of adults*, I had the pleasure of logging hours of mass transit a day. I witnessed near daily public urination, fighting, toe nail clipping, and other forms of humanity in all its glory. But my NY friends could always one up me. "Oh, someone threw a newspaper at your head on the train? I saw a homeless guy wacking off." Fair enough. You win. But now that I am in the land of the kid, I win.** I can always one up YOU. Because I have the monstrous task of taking "products" of all levels (some insanely defective) and trying to make history fun for them, or, on a more fundamental level, at least get them to do something . It is not easy and sometimes I feel like I&