
Showing posts from February, 2010

Fairfax County is the Devil

The following is a faux "op-ed" I had to write for a GW graduate education class. This concerns the incessant bitching and moaning I've heard from Fairfax County teachers in my last few weeks as a "teacher intern" (powerless faux teacher) in a not-your-typical Fairfax County Middle School concerning salary freezes for the second year in a row. It is the trend in this day and age to take about exorbitant sums of money like it means nothing at all. Our government shelled out $700 billion in the Troubled Asset Relief Program launched last fall. Fairfax County Public Schools face a $200 million deficit in their much-demonized FY 2011 budget. Perhaps the world around me has gone mad: I’m still pissed that I have to shell out $30 (a mere zero) as a cover charge to go to a bachelorette party this weekend (where we will, no doubt, discuss the conundrums facing Fairfax County schools and Wall Street at length).* Educating every single child in a county is expensive

This will help the dollar

In general, I'm uncomfortable when any cabinet secretary is the doppelganger of Janosh from Ghostbusters II . Let's just hope there isn't a giant painting of Viego the Carpathian hanging in Timothy Geithner's office or the shit is going to hit the DC fan in a major way, soon.

Attack! Subtitled: Someone needs to go back to work

Eight days with nothing to do say wha????